Welfare to the communities – Grupo COINSU English
(+504) 2630-3763 Abierto 8:00am - 5:00pm KM 26 Autopista a Puerto Cortés, Río Blanquito, Choloma , Honduras.
ES English Language
(+504) 2630-3763 Abierto 8:00am - 5:00pm KM 26 Autopista a Puerto Cortés, Río Blanquito, Choloma , Honduras.
ES English Language
RSPO, ISCC, Kosher
The Best
BIOSA Number #1
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Welfare to the communities


We actively seek responsible community development in our areas of influence, with the objective
of deepening our contributions to society, channeling resources and establishing strategic alliances
to provide well-being through:

Social footprint

Always attached to the values of the families that founded us, we join the revitalized World Alliance for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDOs) to focus attention on the priority needs of the communities located in our areas of influence, emphasizing the poorest and most vulnerable people, supporting different health initiatives and physical activity and encouraging sports practice with the aim of discouraging sedentary life and preventing chronic diseases.

Rotaract Cup

During the month of May we participated in this activity carried out by Club Rotaract with the purpose of encouraging sportsmanship in Honduran children aged 0 to 5 years. The tournament promotes values such as solidarity and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, with which GRUPO COINSU identifies itself.

Honduras Activate

We have provided resources for the realization of this initiative created as a public policy by the Honduras state because it promotes physical activity as a healthy lifestyle to prevent chronic noncommunicable diseases such as hypertension, overweight, obesity, diabetes and kidney failure, among others. "Honduras Actívate por tu Salud" is accompanied by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

Portafolio de productos

Our product portfolio provides ethical health solutions in the form of vegetable oils, vitamins, and ingredients whose potential is highly appreciated in the nutraceutical, agri-food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. In addition to offering bioenergies that reduces air pollution.