Sustainable Development Policy – Grupo COINSU English
(+504) 2630-3763 Abierto 8:00am - 5:00pm KM 26 Autopista a Puerto Cortés, Río Blanquito, Choloma , Honduras.
ES English Language
(+504) 2630-3763 Abierto 8:00am - 5:00pm KM 26 Autopista a Puerto Cortés, Río Blanquito, Choloma , Honduras.
ES English Language
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Sustainable Development Policy

In GRUPO COINSU sustainability is not an achievement, it is a duty.


  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Community development
  • Responsible consumption
  • Resilience

In COINSU GROUP we define sustainability based on four parameters: Sustainable Productivity, Equity, Resilience and Stability, with a focus on improving the quality of life of our stakeholders, making good use of the land and water resources, without exhausting the capacity of the environment from which we take them.

It is about taking actions, implementing efficient policies and practices at all levels of the organization, driven by the values ​​of the 429 families that founded us. Our commitment is the continuous improvement and the change of paradigms towards a better future.

Through the present policy, in COINSU GROUP we declare and promulgate respect, equality, freedom of association, ethics, integrity, without discrimination of any kind; in addition to the dignified treatment of our collaborators, producing partners, communities of influence and other interested parties, fostering their
socio-economic development and intellectual growth.

The production we obtain is responsible and sustainable in palm oil and its derivatives through the implementation of quality systems, good agricultural and industrial practices, health, hygiene and occupational safety.

We commit ourselves to carry out activities of protection and conservation of the environment, taking into account the commitment with future generations; In addition, with compliance with applicable laws, human rights and with the satisfaction of our customers.

We do not support the planting of oil palm on unsuitable land, nor the purchase of fruit that come from plantations in protected areas such as: National parks, wetlands and steep slopes on hillsides or areas with signs of having broken the natural balance by cutting and burning trees, affecting any natural, patrimonial
or cultural resource.