Corporate social responsibility CSR – Grupo COINSU English
(+504) 2630-3763 Abierto 8:00am - 5:00pm KM 26 Autopista a Puerto Cortés, Río Blanquito, Choloma , Honduras.
ES English Language
(+504) 2630-3763 Abierto 8:00am - 5:00pm KM 26 Autopista a Puerto Cortés, Río Blanquito, Choloma , Honduras.
ES English Language
RSPO, ISCC, Kosher
The Best
BIOSA Number #1
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Corporate social responsibility CSR

We are based on the three dimensions of sustainable development.


  • Economic
  • Social
  • Environmental

The natural nucleus of the business strategy is sustainable development given the operational structure of COINSU GROUP and its proud business divisions: CORPORACION INDUSTRIAL DE SULA, COINSU, Group Energy Oil Palm, S.A. de C.V., GEOPALSA, and BIOCOMBUSTIBLES Y SALUD S.A., BIOSA; that provide natural resources at the service of the people conserving the environment, encourage responsible community development and the correct way of doing business, driven by the values ​​of the 429 families that founded us.
The welfare generation model is aligned with the values, vision, mission, aspiration, realization and operational structure. Based on this model, we create and share social value for our stakeholders in a sustainable manner, adhering to the principles of the socially responsible company and the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), guides inspired by the legacy of our founding families when they concluded that the only way to be sustainable and keep growing like this, in all aspects of your business, is maintaining the passion to always innovate and search daily how to improve.

We participate as a consequence in a series of initiatives and actions of CSR that promote health, clean energy and the enjoyment of life while generating social and environmental wellbeing, as well as inclusive economic growth.

To implement the Social Responsibility Policy expressed in its 3 Strategic Pillars: Internal Well-being, Social Welfare and Environmental Well-Being, we base ourselves on the three dimensions of sustainable development.