459 families dedicated – Grupo COINSU English
(+504) 2630-3763 Abierto 8:00am - 5:00pm KM 26 Autopista a Puerto Cortés, Río Blanquito, Choloma , Honduras.
ES English Language
(+504) 2630-3763 Abierto 8:00am - 5:00pm KM 26 Autopista a Puerto Cortés, Río Blanquito, Choloma , Honduras.
ES English Language
RSPO, ISCC, Kosher
The Best
BIOSA Number #1
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459 families dedicated

We celebrate the fact of being Hondurans

Our heritage was forged by the warmth of 459 families dedicated to the cultivation of oil palm originating from this honest and hardworking land, full of challenges, dreams and aspirations. People proud of their roots and values, which together, united in a community of families, made possible the birth of the Coinsu Group as a synonym of their legacy.

For my family and for me COINSU means a lot. Everything we have achieved, makes us proud, we would like people to know that this is a company that helps families and we would like it to continue for generations”

Alfredo Montes (father), Alex Montes (son)Independent producers

We dream that COINSU continues to grow more than it has grown, because it is a development for us, for our children, for our family, and even for the places where we live , besides giving work to the family we give work to the neighbors”

Irma Suyapa MartínezAssociative Company Peasant New Horizons # 1

We work so that our plantations are model plantations in the environmental, social and economic aspects. And we do not work for ourselves, we fulfill the human mission to work and suffer for human beings that we will not even know … but that corresponds to an echo of blood of which we are a permanent, irreplaceable, eternal part”

Mario Ramón LópezIndependent producer incorporated in the family business "Tres Milagros"

I have faith that in the future we will grow to protect the environment because we all know that if there are no trees there is no water and without water, nobody lives and what a better way than to leave that inheritance to the children, a healthy land”

Emérita LagosIndependent producer, Puente Alto, Cortés

459 families, a legacy

+459 families

Founders of GRUPO COINSU under the figure of: Independent producers, family businesses, peasant associations and/or producers, these last ones integrated by other families who also prosper and provide prosperity in their communities through their connection to our GROUP.

4 departments

Cortés, Yoro, Atlántida and Santa Bárbara, to the Northwest of Honduras, where the families that founded us resides and from where we generate wealth for Honduras.

Hectares of cultivated land, in a sustainable and responsible way, with non- GMO oil palms from which we generate the raw material we require to manufacture
Direct and indirect jobs generated by the productive activities responsible of GRUPO COINSU throughout its value chain and its divisions.
Tons of CO2 per year, ceased to emit to the environment thanks to our good agricultural practices and pioneering technology in Latin America to produce vitamins, ingredients, bio energies and vegetable oils